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[VL0]⋙ PDF Free One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy eBook Stephen Tunney

One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy eBook Stephen Tunney

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Download PDF  One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy eBook Stephen Tunney

Two thousand years in the future, the Moon has become a run-down experiment in terra-forming and colonization with a dusty patina and a bright red sky. To sixteen-year-old Hieronymus Rexaphin, it is the only world he has ever known until he meets a girl from Earth called Windows Falling on Sparrows, who is inexplicably drawn to him because of his special--some say dangerous--condition. Hieronymus is a One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy who can see the fourth primary color, which gives him the ability to see the future path of time and matter. To look into his eyes will cause madness or even death, authorities say, so he is forced to wear goggles at all times. The color of his eyes is against Lunar law, and some say against nature. After breaking the Moon s most serious law and exposing his eyes to the curious young Earth girl, Hieronymus embarks on a tremendous misadventure to protect his friends and save his family, and to escape exile and imprisonment on the far side of the moon.
Beautifully written, this work of 'future fiction' - science fiction - highlights the stupidity of law and myths in society.

One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy eBook Stephen Tunney

Windows Falling On Sparrows is the name of a girl from Earth, it's a silly name, but they usually give such the names on Earth. Somehow, neither the girl's parents nor her friends have those silly names. Only Windows Falling On Sparrows.
Why is that? Is she special? Nope. Or you would not get an answer if you read this just as silly book.
There are too many strange and banal dialogues and too little action.
Characters seemed to be poorly written and the plots for each are not completed.
Maybe it was supposed to be a philosophical book with some intents and allegories but I failed to get them.

Product details

  • File Size 803 KB
  • Print Length 308 pages
  • Publisher MP Publishing Limited (September 20, 2010)
  • Publication Date September 20, 2010
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B003ZK545S

Read  One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy eBook Stephen Tunney

Tags : One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy - Kindle edition by Stephen Tunney. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy.,ebook,Stephen Tunney,One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy,MP Publishing Limited,FICTION Fantasy Urban,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction General
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One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy eBook Stephen Tunney Reviews

At first, I thought that maybe they were dropping "L"'s from every page deliberately, since this book does contain something that can be considered futuristic slang; however, before the end of the book it was clear that this wasn't the case. Flood, as originally entered, soon dropped its "L" and became Food, which are 2 very distinct words. This version also dropped several "I"'s. I noticed that this dropped-letter effect mostly occurred in words beginning in "F" where the "L" or "I" was the second letter.

Why didn't whoever put the Edition together run spell and grammar check? It might not have caught "food," but it certainly would have caught "fabergasted." , this should be corrected ASAP because this shows that you're not interested in putting out a quality product. Get it right.
I recently downloaded this novel and I am delighted to say that ALL the technical errors cited in the review below are no longer there. One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy is One Hundred Percent fixed and fine, raring to go and ready to be read! Enjoy!
The premise is splendidly bizarre, and the focus is on the characters and their relationships to one another. It really has the feel of a great Harry Harrison or Henry Beam Piper or other such compelling work from that era. I highly recommend this to anyone who favours the unfolding of adventure in a strange place over the thorough explanations that often weigh down modern SF novels.
I love this book, it's such a unique and interesting concept with some crazy twists. The slang is very creative and fun, I like using it in real life sometimes to confuse my friends )
Wish there was a sequel!
I have read, and more recently, listen to a lot of Scifi in audio format. This book is an instant classic, in the same league as "Ender's Game" and "Dune" in my opinion. It has several layers; it is poetic, it is a social critique, it is action/adventure, it is whimsical... The audio production was very good, with the reader bringing the different characters to life, vividly. I wish this book was getting as much attention as "The Hunger Games" and "Divergent" series.
For those familiar with Steven Tunney's work, you would probably agree when I say he's toned down quite a bit. Unfortunately, the extravagances of his earlier work was what most appealed to me. Many homages are made to his earlier novel Flan, and overall the book was very enticing. I look forward to the sequel.
The book was great. I read it in my teens and I am still waiting for a sequel. It's a really good book to read for sci first and suspense and just a bit of romance but its a good amount. Not overwhelming. The humor is great and the mysteries are admiring. I can't wait to see more twists in the next book.
Windows Falling On Sparrows is the name of a girl from Earth, it's a silly name, but they usually give such the names on Earth. Somehow, neither the girl's parents nor her friends have those silly names. Only Windows Falling On Sparrows.
Why is that? Is she special? Nope. Or you would not get an answer if you read this just as silly book.
There are too many strange and banal dialogues and too little action.
Characters seemed to be poorly written and the plots for each are not completed.
Maybe it was supposed to be a philosophical book with some intents and allegories but I failed to get them.
Ebook PDF  One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy eBook Stephen Tunney

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